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3 Important Questions to Ask a Speeding Ticket Attorney

September 23, 2023

As you might already know, speeding tickets can be expensive and have long-term effects on your insurance rates. According to the experts at Insurify, in the U.S., almost 10% of drivers on the road have at least one ticket on their records. If you have received a traffic ticket for speeding or another type of traffic violation, you may be wondering if you should hire a traffic attorney or a speeding ticket attorney. These professionals can help you clarify your rights in your traffic violation case and may be able to help you avoid fees and fines. Let’s look at a few questions you should ask a lawyer before hiring them.

1. How Long Have You Been a Lawyer?

This is always an important question to ask before hiring a lawyer of any type. You want to know that the professional you're working with has experience and experience only comes with time. If you're satisfied with the lawyer's other qualifications, you might be willing to make an exception with the amount of time they have been actually practicing law, but it's still good information to have.

2. How Many Cases Have You Won Like Mine?

This is probably even more important than the amount of time they have been practicing law. You'll want to do some research and find out how many cases similar to yours the lawyer has successfully won. This will be a good indicator of how well they might be able to handle your case. Looking at some of the cases they have handled in the past is also a great way to learn about them and see if they'll be a good fit for you.

3. How Many Traffic Violation Cases Do You Do Each Year?

It’s good to know about what percentage of their overall cases are traffic violation cases. This gives you an idea of what type of priority they'll set on a case like yours and how well-informed they are on these types of cases. This is especially important information to know if you're facing DUI charges.

Are you looking for a
speeding ticket attorney in the Vineland area? Please contact our team at Seeley Law Office LLC today. Our legal team is ready and willing to help you with your traffic violation case.

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